Family Sponsorship

By removing long distance links, family sponsorship enables Canadian families to remain cohesive units. It facilitates family reunions and further solidifies the bonds between members.

A family member may be sponsored by a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Members of the family can include a spouse, common-law partner through the Spousal Program, parents or grandparents through the Parent and Grandparent Program, and other close relatives. dependent kids, adopted kids, and family members.

Super Visa

Parents and grandparents may enter Canada and remain there for a minimum of five years and a maximum of ten years with the help of a special type of visa known as the Super visa.

The sponsor is responsible for ensuring that the person(s) they are supporting are financially secure and do not require any aid from the government. Typically, sponsors who accept to assume this enormous responsibility sign undertakings.

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You can get assistance from our licensed immigration professionals at CSPS Immigration Inc to help make the application process less difficult and stressful.

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